Wednesday, January 19, 2011

cherry berry playschool in delhi

Promoter- Induga Education Foundation (Reg.)

How Blissful is innocence! The bubbling enthusiasm, the sparkling eyes, senseless chatter and the innocent queries make us wish to return to our childhood. It is in Cherry Berry that these tender buds are spotted.

It is our endeavor to encourage, nourish and nurture them. Major problem faced by the small kids in the age group of 2 to 3 is the emphasis on bookish knowledge. We hope to bring out the best that these youngsters have to offer before your admiring eyes by following the modern methods of activity based education.
Cherry Berry is a playschool which will cater to the needs of 2+ to 4 years of kids and prepare them to get admission in a reputed school.
Children are with us for a very short period of time. our motto is to use this time as productively as possible, understand ther body language, facial expressions and their innocence and give them proper nourishment, love attention and care with a smile on our face.

In today's competitive environment, it is imperative that the school curriculum should focus on the all-round development of the child, be it mental or physical. We should help the child excel in every field. Artistic oppurtunities must go hand in hand with academics in order to achieve value education.
We at Cherry Berry play school are most careful about the overall development of kids to channelize their energies into creative activities because we think that teaching children 'how to count' is not important as teaching 'what' counts.
Our School does not emphasise on simple classroom teaching with the help of books but it makes the children learn through audio-video aids such as television, computer, stereo and CD Player. We make the child learn while he is playing. This helps a child learn faster, have better retention, develop initiative, become more creative and acquire self-confidence. These methods are in line with the latest techniques followed in advanced countries.

  • Activities connected with body awareness and its syncronized movements.
  • Activities to develop the personality of children so that the grow up as confident personality.
  • Language Development, Reading Writing and Speaking Skills, Children are encouraged to converse in English.
  • Counting
  • Motor development through art & craft workshop. Childred are involved in different activities like clay, modelling, colouring, pasting, drawing etc.
  • Perception development though pictures, music and different activities. Children are encouraged to create stories with figures of their own imagination and develop their creativity.
  • Developing the personal hygienic habits.
  • Dance activities to make the child active and smart
  • The School has a well equipped toy room to Play and Learn simultaneously.